Your donation will make a difference by helping us to continue to provide our services across our region. You are able to tag your donation to a particular service if you wish:
Your donation will make a difference by helping us to continue to provide our services across our region. You are able to tag your donation to a particular service if you wish: -
By region, e.g. you wish your donation to go toward a particular area in our region
Hawkes Bay
By client group
Supporting someone in prison
Supporting someone on release
Supporting family/whanau of someone in prison
General support, i.e. you don’t mind where the donation is allocated
Donations to Manawatu PARS throughout the region can be made via bank deposit.
Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Society of the Manawatu District Incorporated BNZ Terrace End, Palmerston North 02 0630 0045940 00
Please email us when you have made your donation so that we know how to allocate the funds.
Donations can also be made by credit or debit card: (Coming Soon)