It’s up to the person in prison to decide who they want to visit them.
The person in prison arranges to send an application form to the person they want to see, so that person can apply to become an approved visitor.
Note: The application forms are not available online.
You can ask prison staff to pass on a message to a prisoner that you want to visit them. The process is the same for people who are in prison whether they are on remand or if they have been sentenced.
People who want to visit first fill out a visitor application form, which is followed by security checks. The application process also applies to all children under 18.
If the visitor has a court order against the prisoner they will need to contact the prison directly for advice.
If the visitor is aged under 18, the Child Application form goes to the child’s guardian.
People aged 18 or over must complete an Adult Visitor application form.
The form asks for information such as name, date of birth, and criminal history and a copy of identification. This could be: